I've been happy with most of the speakers below. I don't enjoy a lot of excess coloration and prefer a neutral/natural voicing. When I was younger and house sharing I made a switch to the little Proac Tablettes - in hindsight a mistake - too much low end sacrificed for other attributes. The Mini Towers didn't help much, things only got back on track with the Response 2. The Harbeth period followed and I really enjoyed those speakers, especially with acoustic program. However I ultimately found my music choices being somewhat bent to suit the speakers. I wanted something neutral, but dynamic, that could play any type of music with equal competence - so moved on to ATC.
Grace F9E, Grace F9L, Westrak 501, Audio Technica OC9, Sumiko Talisman S, Garrott P77, Audio Technica ART-1, Monster Cable SG-2000, Sumiko BPS, Benz Glider (0.9mV), Crown Jewel (VdH retip), Denon 103R, Ortofon Jubilee, Ortofon A90, Denon 103R stock & Soundsmith retip/various bodies x 4, Audio Technica 33PTG(briefly), Audio Technica OC9-II(briefly), Ortofon Cadenza Black, Audio Technica ART-9, Denon 103R(stock), Garrott P77/Jico SAS stylus, Ortofon 2M Black, Ortofon 2M LVB 250
Trialled in system but not purchased: Grado TLZ, Shinon Red, Clearaudio Gamma
Phono Loading
Denon 103R (14 ohm DCR): Currently using with CineMag 1131 SUT on 1:20 setting - 117.5 ohms*
Ortofon Cadenza Black (5 ohm DCR): Active stage: 100ohms (Rowland Capri S2 phono cards); Step-up transformer 1:30 - 52ohms*
Ortofon Jubilee (5 ohm DCR): Active stage: 100ohms; Step-up transformer: ~52ohms*
Ortofon A90 (4 ohm DCR): Active stage: 47ohms (Note: I didn't have an SUT in my system when I owned the A90)
*Note1: 47K ohm phono stage
(reflected impedance = Rload/N2, where Rload is the phono stage input resistance and N is the primary to secondary turns ratio of the SUT)
Cary PH302 Mk2 phono preamp
Bob's Devices CineMag 1131 SUT
VPI TNT/Phantom tonearm with Linn Uphorik phono stage